Repository of best practices




Summer DEI School 2024

Italian/ English

DEI training week

Promoting diversity, inclusion and equality in the workplace

Three intensive weekends of advanced training, networking and fun, dedicated to the crucial topics of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Bologna, Italy. The Summer DEI School project stems from the desire to innovate through the inclusion and enhancement of all people in their uniqueness.

Summer DEI School 2024

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EIGE Toolkit on gender-sensitive communication


Online training resources

Gender-sensitive communication

This toolkit, developed by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) is an easy-to-use guide on how to use more gender-sensitive language in writing. While the toolkit offers tips and examples for English, its principles for gender-sensitive writing are universal and applicable to other languages. It primarily targets policymakers, policy advisors, legislators, media, writers, and editors involved in policy drafting, but also supports a broad audience of international English speakers.

EIGE Toolkit on gender-sensitive communication

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Introduction Braille’s in public transport



Blind people

Adding Braille’s signs in public transport and on city signs.

Introduction Braille’s in public transport

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Circular November 21, 2017 on the rules for feminising and writing texts


French law (circular)

Feminizations of titles, professions and functions in texts published in the Journal Officiel de la République. It was done for a better inclusion and equality between women and men.

In the name of reinforcing equality between women and men, this circular calls for the feminization of titles, professions and functions, particularly in texts published in the Journal Officiel: "with regard to acts of appointment, the title of functions held by a woman must be systematically feminised, except when the title is epicene". The circular calls for the use of mixed forms of language.

Circular November 21, 2017 on the rules for feminising and writing texts

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Polish Autism Society Neurodiversity Awareness Training


Training Programme

Neurodiversity-sensitive communication

The Polish Autism Society offers training programmes focused on raising awareness about neurodiversity and adapting communication strategies to meet the needs of neurodivergent individuals. The training includes creating sensory-friendly environments and using clear, concise language.

Polish Autism Society Neurodiversity Awareness Training

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Communication for equal language practical guide


Practical guide by the University Paris Saclay

Through this best practice guide, Université Paris Saclay is trying to create a campus that everyone can get involved in. This guide is therefore intended for all students, administrative staff, teaching or research staff.

This guide shows the principles of egalitarian communication that will be useful in future essays written by students, administrative staff or teaching staff. The aim is to support these people so that they have all the keys to handling egalitarian communication. This guide takes a look at the current state of egalitarian communication in France, with a look back at the history and context of inclusive language in France. The guide also includes a list of good practices to use and repeat.

Communication for equal language practical guide

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Oxfam Inclusive Language Guide, 2023



General Guidelines for an inclusive communication

This Guide, published by Oxfam in 2023, represents a valuable example of recommendations on how to use the language to challenge and shift perceptions to reach a more inclusive society and communication practices. One of the main challenges for communication practitioners is indeed not using language that reinforces norms or power structure that drive suffering.

Oxfam Inclusive Language Guide, 2023

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Low literacy

FALC (Facile à Lire et à Comprendre)


Initiative by ABSL Inclusion

FALC is useful for anyone who has difficulty understanding information and people with an intellectual disability.

FALC means Easy to Read and Understand. It is a language accessible to everyone, used for writing and speaking. All documents can be translated into FALC, including letters, regulations, and explanations on websites. The FALC methods helps those with comprehension difficulties and their families in: • Translating texts into Easy to Read and Understand • Correcting Easy to Read and Understand texts • Offering training courses on the Easy to Read and Understand method

FALC (Facile à Lire et à Comprendre)

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No language. Only Spanish in 1 word

Advertising Campaign

The objective of the spot is to show and support all those people who are forced to distance themselves from their families, to change their way of being or to behave differently to fit into the established canons for fear of not being accepted.

“She” is a Christmas story that tells the beautiful story between a grandfather and his granddaughter, and how the love that unites them is so great that it can overcome any prejudice or barrier that may separate them. The plot thread of this piece arises from the visit of the character Ana, a trans girl who is going to visit her family at Christmas, this story is a reflection of acceptance, respect and above all tolerance.


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Sign Language Interpreter Services

Spanish, sign language


Communication for inclusion of people with hearing disabilities

The Spanish Sign Language Interpreter Service (SILSE) provides support to hearing-impaired people living in the Community of Madrid who use this language and require it in the most important daily procedures.

Sign Language Interpreter Services

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People with sensory and cognitive impairments, with a special focus on youngsters

The InclusivOpera project, coordinated by Prof. Elena Di Giovanni since its onset, is aimed at people with sensory and cognitive impairments, with a special focus on young people. All opera performances are audio described for blind or partially sighted people, with Italian and English pre-recorded introductory descriptions also available online. They also provide fully guided multisensory tours, sign-language-interpreted tours, personal hearing assistant, live subtitles in Italian and English for all opera performances.


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Integracja Foundation Training Program


Training Program

Communication for the inclusion of people with disabilities

The Integracja Foundation offers comprehensive training programmes focused on accessible communication for people with disabilities. These programmes include practical sessions on using assistive technologies like screen readers and text-to-speech software, and understanding the principles of creating accessible digital content.

Integracja Foundation Training Program

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Socio-economic disadvantages

Financial education for all of us

Spanish, regional languages

Educational programme

Economically disadvantaged people

Financial education programme addressed to economically disadvantaged people, aimed at increasing their financial awareness and financial management skills.

Financial education for all of us

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Migrants and ethnic/cultural discrimination

Language inclusion in health services

Spanish, main languages of migrants


Migrants and linguistic minorities

Introducing multilingual materials and translators in health services to enable better access to medical care.

Language inclusion in health services

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I’m not



The main objective of the action is to educate and raise awareness both in the communication and advertising sector, and in the general population.

A campaign to demand the need to continue moving towards inclusivity. This is the first national initiative that promotes the inclusion of the LGTBIQ+ group in the field of marketing and communication. The campaign vindicates the need for all people to feel represented in the field of advertising.

I’m not

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Diversity and Inclusion LGBTQ+


Initiative and guidelines

Practical information for companies and agencies in order for them to make their company more inclusive.

Practical files containing best practices to implement. These sheets are intended for agencies and companies that want to make a commitment to diversity and inclusion but do not know where to start. They are designed to help agencies build their own tailor-made program with their team and HR department, but are by no means exhaustive, as the subject is so wide-ranging and evolving.

Diversity and Inclusion LGBTQ+

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Rural and remote areas

Social activation through sport

Spanish, other minority languages

Social initiative

Youth from areas with limited resources

An initiative promoting sport as a tool for social activation and inclusion of young people from less resourced areas.

Social activation through sport

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The Accessible Communications Charter


Recommendations for the public communication by the French State

The recommendations are designed to meet the needs of both disabled people and the general public

Common set of standards for state communications in the intermenstrual sphere. The aim is to encourage all possible improvements in the way citizens are addressed, by setting a base of minimum commitments. It establishes the framework for accessible communication, an essential condition for citizen participation and access to rights. The charter is aimed at all those who, by virtue of their function, role or position, are required to inform the French public about government actions.

The Accessible Communications Charter

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ILGA Guidelines for Journalists – Reporting on LGBTI issues, people and communities



Inclusive communication towards the LGBTQ+ community

Handy tool addressed to journalists, and published by ILGA, giving accurate guidance when reporting on LGBTI lives, rights, issues and events. These guidelines contain clear recommendations in the form of ‘do’s and don’ts’ on how to cover LGBTI-related news and how to approach and talk about LGBTI people and activists.

ILGA Guidelines for Journalists – Reporting on LGBTI issues, people and communities

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Social Initiative

Neurodivergent People

When implementing an inclusion project, Specialisterne seeks out, selects and trains neurodivergent people from a technical and socio-occupational point of view. In this sense it follows the service model, but in this case, it is the client who hires the employees, who become an integral part of its staff.


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Migrants and ethnic/cultural discrimination

Action Plan for Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027


Institutional Guidelines

People with a migrant background

The Plan identifies four main areas of action: Education and Training; Jobs and Skills; Health; and Housing.

Action Plan for Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027

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Women’s Rights Centre Gender Sensitivity Workshops


Workshop Series

Gender-sensitive communication

The Women's Rights Center conducts workshops aimed at promoting gender-sensitive communication. These workshops address gender biases, stereotypes, and the use of inclusive language in both professional and personal settings.

Women’s Rights Centre Gender Sensitivity Workshops

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Migrants and ethnic/cultural discrimination

IOM Poland Language Support and Integration Programme


Language Support Programme

Communication for the inclusion of people with a migrant background

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Poland provides language support programmes tailored to migrants. These include Polish language classes combined with cultural integration workshops to facilitate smoother transitions and better communication within the community.

IOM Poland Language Support and Integration Programme

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Together we can make a difference



Promoting equality for people with disabilities

Joint campaign to promote the rights of people with disabilities.

Together we can make a difference

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Eurodesk Guide on Inclusive Digital Communication



General guide on inclusive communication addressed to Youth Information Services

This Guide is a comprehensive document (available also in an audio version) outlining general principles for developing inclusive and accessible information and communication, drawing on best practices from organisations committed to fostering inclusivity. It presents seven principles, and detailed steps for each, to enhance the inclusivity of Youth Information Services. The Guide also provides concrete measures and examples to inspire new practices. A case study per each principle is presented.

Eurodesk Guide on Inclusive Digital Communication

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Low literacy

Clear language in public administration



Simplifying official communication, accessibility for people with different levels of education

An initiative of the Spanish government to make official documents easier for people to understand by using simple language.

Clear language in public administration

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Low literacy

FRSI Easy-to-Read Project


Educational Resource

Communication for low-literacy individuals

The Easy-to-Read project, an initiative of the Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Informacyjnego (FRSI), creates accessible reading materials for individuals with low literacy skills. These resources use simple language and clear visuals to ensure comprehension and engagement.

FRSI Easy-to-Read Project

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National LGBT+ Strategy 2022 - 2025


Institutional Guidelines

Discriminated people for their sexual orientation and gender identity

The National Office Against Racial Discrimination

National LGBT+ Strategy 2022 - 2025

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WHO Quick Guide to Avoid Ageism in Communication


Operational guidelines

Avoid ageism

This short guide, produced as a part of the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism, aims to help communication practitioners to avoid ageism in the messages and images. It is part of a wider Toolkit offering resources to learn about ageism, initiate conversations about the topic, organise events to raise awareness, and spread the word through social media.

WHO Quick Guide to Avoid Ageism in Communication

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Open Government Inclusive Communication Campaign


Institutional Campaign

Spanish citizens in general

Inform and contribute to disseminating what open government is, making the existence of the Transparency Portal known to all citizens, bringing the possibility of making proposals and understanding the Government closer.

Open Government Inclusive Communication Campaign

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Development of inclusion in recruitment



Improving the accessibility of recruitment processes for people with disabilities

Introducing recruitment standards and improvements that ensure equal access to jobs for people with various disabilities.

Development of inclusion in recruitment

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Migrants and ethnic/cultural discrimination

Intercultural Education Programme

All languages of national minority in Spain

Educational framework

Education of children national minority and immigrants

A school programme promoting respect and understanding between different cultures.

Intercultural Education Programme

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Digital accessibility for all of us



Older people and people with disability

An initiative aimed at improving digital accessibility of services and content for older people and people with disabilities.

Digital accessibility for all of us

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Do you think how you speak? Didactic guide for equal use of language


Social initiative

Directed to Secondary Education, Training Cycles and Baccalaureate

Language is a communication tool with great transformative at the same time that it is a key socialization factor that allows us build as people. This guide is intended to be a document of work that responds to a demand of today's society, which needs instruments to be able to carry out measures that promote equality between women and men.

Do you think how you speak? Didactic guide for equal use of language

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