National LGBT+ Strategy 2022 - 2025




Institutional Guidelines

Aim & target group

Discriminated people for their sexual orientation and gender identity


Short description

The National Office Against Racial Discrimination

Main guidelines & principles extrapolated

UNAR works independently within the Presidency of Council of Ministers - Equal Opportunities Department

The Office is organised into:

  • Protection service for indiscrimination, which gathers all discrimination reports received through a multilingual Contact Centre, analyses them and provides immediate assistance by advising the individual.
  • Service for studies, researches and institutional relations, which actively promotes studies, training courses, awareness campaigns, information and public communications regarding the topics of opposition to discriminations.

The Office is coordinated by a General Director, appointed by the Prime Minister or by a delegated Minister, and is supported by personnel from Presidency of Council of Ministers and other public administrations. They include two executives responsible for the services and unit of area A and B

Due to its specific characteristics, the office can benefit from additional public personnel. It also can appoint a maximum of five high quality external experts.


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