French law (circular)
Aim & target group
Feminizations of titles, professions and functions in texts published in the Journal Officiel de la République. It was done for a better inclusion and equality between women and men.
Short description
In the name of reinforcing equality between women and men, this circular calls for the feminization of titles, professions and functions, particularly in texts published in the Journal Officiel: "with regard to acts of appointment, the title of functions held by a woman must be systematically feminised, except when the title is epicene".
The circular calls for the use of mixed forms of language.
Main guidelines & principles extrapolated
- Texts that designate the person holding the position in question must be consistent with that person's gender. When an order is signed by a woman, the author must be referred to as "La Ministre", "La Secrétaire Générale" or "La Directrice" (Female form) in the title of the text and in the implementing article.
- In the case of appointments, the titles of positions held by women must be systematically feminised - except where the title is epicene - in accordance with the rules set out in the guide to feminization of trade names, titles, grades and positions drawn up by the Centre national de la recherche scientifique and the Institut national de la langue française.
- In recruitment documents and vacancy notices published in the Journal Officiel, formulas such as "le candidat ou la candidate” (neutral form), so as not to show any gender preference.