
Eurodesk Guide on Inclusive Digital Communication





Aim & target group

General guide on inclusive communication addressed to Youth Information Services


Short description

This Guide is a comprehensive document (available also in an audio version) outlining general principles for developing inclusive and accessible information and communication, drawing on best practices from organisations committed to fostering inclusivity. It presents seven principles, and detailed steps for each, to enhance the inclusivity of Youth Information Services. The Guide also provides concrete measures and examples to inspire new practices. A case study per each principle is presented.

Main guidelines & principles extrapolated

Principle 1 - Create and follow your own inclusive communication strategy (consult pages 20-24 for more details on each of the following steps)

  • Define the purpose and benefits of an inclusive communication strategy
  • Define the goals
  • Map your stakeholders considering internal and external communication
  • Plan how to achieve the inclusive goals
  • Develop and implementation plan
  • Include monitoring & evaluation
  • Consult the draft of the plan with stakeholders
  • Regularly review and update the strategy


Principle 2 - Understand your audience and be aware of communication barriers (pp. 27-34)

  • Identify the target audiences, taking into account invisible aspects of a person’s identity, legally not recognised grounds of discrimination and Intersectionality
  • Understand communication barriers
  • Collect feedback from target audiences


Principle 3 - Focus on what you communicate (pp. 36-43)

  • Consider what should be communicated
  • Adjust to the organisation’s communication responsibilities
  • Reflect on aspects of inclusiveness (relevance, representation, proactivity, feedback, transparency)
  • Contribute to social change


Principle 4 - Be inclusive with your language (pp. 45-57)

  • Learn about inclusive language
  • Change langue to be more inclusive
  • Consider gender and pronouns when communicating
  • Start implementing changes at individual, team, organizational and levels


Principle 5 - Make your content more accessible (pp. 62-73)

  • Use easy to read and plain language
  • Focus on layout and formatting
  • Make your design accessible
  • Have a mindful use of visuals
  • Be mindful about hashtags and emojis


Principle 6 - Use different channels to reach broadly (pp. 75-86)

  • Make your content accessible
  • Prioritise quality
  • Emphasise consistency and relationship building
  • Adapt for different communication channels
  • Mix your formats
  • Embrace networking
  • Be clear about your communication channels
  • Offer both online and offline communication options
  • Provide clear data collection and GDPR information in an inclusive manner
  • Promote inclusive measures without stigmatising


Principle 7 - Keep monitoring and adjusting to your audiences (pp.88-92)

  • Keep learning
  • Explicitly ask for feedback
  • Revise content to avoid implicit bias
  • Keep monitoring and adjusting your inclusive communication strategy


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