Migrants and ethnic/cultural discrimination

Action Plan for Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027




Institutional Guidelines

Aim & target group

People with a migrant background



Short description

The Plan identifies four main areas of action: Education and Training; Jobs and Skills; Health; and Housing.

Main guidelines & principles extrapolated

For Education and Training area, the aim is to:

  • Foster the access of migrant children or children with a migrant background to high quality and inclusive early childhood education and care;
  • Provide teachers with training and tools to manage multicultural and multilingual classrooms for the benefit of all pupils;
  • Create multi-stakeholder learning communities involving schools, social services and parents;
  • Speed up and simplify the recognition of qualifications acquired in non-EU countries;
  • Promote the participation of migrants in comprehensive language and civic education programmes that start when they arrive and accompany them along their integration paths.


In the Work and Skills area, the main objectives are to:

  • Strengthen cooperation between key labour market actors and migrants at European, national and local level;
  • Better support migrant entrepreneurs, including social entrepreneurs, through facilitations for access to credit, training and counselling;
  • Increase women's participation in the labour market;
  • Make skills assessment more effective and faster and to support upskilling and reskilling also through validation of procedures for non-formal and informal learning;
  • Increase migrants' participation in high-quality vocational education and training.


Concerning health, the Action Plan wants migrants and EU citizens with a migration background to:

  • Be informed of their rights
  • Have equal access to health services, including mental health services, according to national law and practice. In facilitating access to health services, full account must also be taken of the specific challenges faced by women, including pre-natal and new mother health care.


Access to adequate and affordable housing, including social housing, must be ensured. Member states and regional and local authorities must:

  • Have tools and good practices available to counter discrimination in the housing market, as well as innovative solutions to foster inclusion and combat segregation;
  • Promote individual, rather than collective, housing models for asylum seekers, in particular families, and to disseminate and expand innovative models for holders of international protection.


Finally, actions in support of effective integration and inclusion, transversal to all areas considered:

  • Building strong partnerships between all actors; exploiting the opportunities offered by European funds;
  • Promoting participation and encounters with the host community;
  • Enhancing the use of new technologies and digital tools; and monitoring progress by aiming at evidence-based integration and inclusion policies.


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